這一場名為 MTDF 的留言運動
我們是一群默默無名的大學生,此次,我們著手寫了「一封給與美國參議員 Ted Cruz 的公開信——來自一群台灣大學生」。企盼能促成蔡總統的美國國會演說之行。在此誠摯邀請每一位朋友的相助,在 2/28 當日一人一信,一同用留言的方式,讓世界看見台灣。
To 比我們年輕的高中,國中,國小莘莘學子:
不關心政治的處罰,就是可能在未來的某個時空裡被糟糕的人(共產黨)統治。也許你們並無投票實權,但你們對社群網站的嫻熟,絕對不亞於我們。歡迎你在 228 加入我們留言的活動。(快幫忙宣傳阿,只要簡單的複製 + 貼上)
To 比我們年長的社會中堅分子與年邁長者:
此次行動訴求為 Make Taiwan Democratic Forever.
#MTDF #MTDF #MTDF (很重要,所以說 3 次)
- 留言時間:台灣標準時間 2 月 28 日 星期四(00 : 00 ~ 24 : 00)
- 留言對象:美國參議員 Ted Cruz + 美國各主流媒體(CNN + Fox News)
- 參議員與主流媒體的留言管道:透過 FB 進入議員與主流媒體 FB 頁面後的最佳留言處 : 稍加瀏覽後,選擇一篇最多台灣人留言的 po 文進行 po 文
注意:當我們在 FB 搜尋關鍵字時 是 CNN,不是 CNN International 是 Fox News,不是 Fox
不論您是華獨,台獨,抑或是維持現狀者,我們都是對岸共產黨政權口中的台獨人士,而蔡總統是我們的最大公約數。面對中國 92 共識,一國兩制的惡意要脅,蔡總統立場堅定,始終如一。對照國內政壇要角,有人立場搖擺,有人始終不棄 92 共識,誰最能保護台灣利益,答案自是不言可喻。
對我們而言,台灣不只是我們的——故鄉,更是我們生死相依的地方。 我們只是一群極其平凡的學生,這次,我們選擇不再沉默。那,你呢? 請捲起衣袖,理清我們的思緒,勇敢地走出同温層。
PS. 我們只是一群平凡的 NTU 大學生,並非專業外交人員,文章並無請教外籍人士抑或是請益校內教授,我們嘗試呈現學生族群最原始的面貌與聲音,如有任何文法錯誤,尚祈各界不吝指正。
《一封給與美國參議員 Ted Cruz 的公開信——來自一群台灣大學生》
致親愛的參議員 Ted Cruz,
此外,除了上述所言,我們想要從兩位美國最偉大的總統(川普 + 歐巴馬)那引用幾句話
第一小節引用的話來自川普總統 2019 年國情咨文的演說。
第二小節引用的話來自前任歐巴馬總統 2012 年的勝選演說。
感謝您。上帝保佑您,議員 Ted Cruz。天佑美國。天佑台灣。非常的感謝。
敬祝 順心
《An Open Letter to Senator Ted Cruz from A Bunch of College Students in Taiwan》
Dear Sen. Ted Cruz,
First thing first, we don’t mean to cause you any inconvenience if you have been flooded with numerous messages and letters. We are writing to express our gratitude, and words are beyond description. We are so grateful for everything that you’ve done in the past and all the incredible work that you are about to carry out in the present and future.
Second, the time has come. The time is perfectly right for Taiwan‘s President Tsai to be invited to address the US Congress. If it does happen, it will be our greatest privilege ever.
Therefore, we are hereby seeking further assistance, which you call on more cohorts to support this meaningful and unprecedented speech. And we beg you to hold a press conference to make our voices heard in the US. The 23 million people of Taiwan shall never forget the favors you have done to us.
On top of that, we would like to quote a few lines from the two greatest US Presidents, Donald Trump and Barack Obama.
The first passage is a quote from President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union Address, “America was founded on liberty and independence, and not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”
The second passage is another quote from Former President Obama’s victory speech in 2012, “We can never forget that as we speak people in distant nations are risking their lives right now just for a chance to argue about the issues that matter, the chance to cast their ballots like we did today.”
These two passages serve as a valuable reminder that US and Taiwan share the same core values, democracy, freedom, and human rights, don’t they?
When it comes to bullies, aka anti-democratic forces, we’ll remain self-confident and brave as we know weakness only invites greater aggression.
Now we Taiwanese are pulling together to face the bullying issue head-on. Please speak up for Taiwan and help us safeguard our hard-earned freedom and democracy. With you by our side, we are stronger than bullying, and we are stronger than hate across from the Taiwan Strait. Being stronger than before, we know this is the only way to be sure that there would be no fears, no aggression, and no more brutal wars.
Finally, we would like to say to all honorable and courageous Americans, no matter you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, or an independent, we genuinely believe that greatness lies in every single US citizen. And right here, the greatest nation on earth, greatness by definition is synonymous with democracy, freedom, and human rights.
Please speak up for the democratically-elected government in Taiwan.
Please Make Taiwan Democratic Forever. #MTDF #MTDF #MTDF
Time to conclude this letter with the world-renowned quote, “The time is always right to do what is right.”– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thank you. God bless you, Sen. Ted Cruz. God bless America. God bless Taiwan. Thank you so much.
Best Regards,
Written by a bunch of college students in Taiwan
A repost of 《An Open Letter to Senator Ted Cruz from A Bunch of College Students in Taiwan》
Dear Sen. Ted Cruz,
First thing first, we don’t mean to cause you any inconvenience if you have been flooded with numerous messages and letters. We are writing to express our gratitude, and words are beyond description. We are so grateful for everything that you’ve done in the past and all the incredible work that you are about to carry out in the present and future.
Second, the time has come. The time is perfectly right for Taiwan‘s President Tsai to be invited to address the US Congress. If it does happen, it will be our greatest privilege ever.
Therefore, we are hereby seeking further assistance, which you call on more cohorts to support this meaningful and unprecedented speech. And we beg you to hold a press conference to make our voices heard in the US. The 23 million people of Taiwan shall never forget the favors you have done to us.
On top of that, we would like to quote a few lines from the two greatest US Presidents, Donald Trump and Barack Obama.
The first passage is a quote from President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union Address, “America was founded on liberty and independence, and not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.”
The second passage is another quote from Former President Obama’s victory speech in 2012, “We can never forget that as we speak people in distant nations are risking their lives right now just for a chance to argue about the issues that matter, the chance to cast their ballots like we did today.”
These two passages serve as a valuable reminder that US and Taiwan share the same core values, democracy, freedom, and human rights, don’t they?
When it comes to bullies, aka anti-democratic forces, we’ll remain self-confident and brave as we know weakness only invites greater aggression.
Now we Taiwanese are pulling together to face the bullying issue head-on. Please speak up for Taiwan and help us safeguard our hard-earned freedom and democracy. With you by our side, we are stronger than bullying, and we are stronger than hate across from the Taiwan Strait. Being stronger than before, we know this is the only way to be sure that there would be no fears, no aggression, and no more brutal wars.
Finally, we would like to say to all honorable and courageous Americans, no matter you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, or an independent, we genuinely believe that greatness lies in every single US citizen. And right here, the greatest nation on earth, greatness by definition is synonymous with democracy, freedom, and human rights.
Please speak up for the democratically-elected government in Taiwan.
Please Make Taiwan Democratic Forever. #MTDF #MTDF #MTDF
Time to conclude this letter with the world-renowned quote, “The time is always right to do what is right.”– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thank you. God bless you, Sen. Ted Cruz. God bless America. God bless Taiwan. Thank you so much.
Best Regards,
Written by a bunch of college students in Taiwan
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